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Was There A Palace Coup At The White House

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken’s foreign policy conduct has been a textbook recipe and prerequisite for a mutiny in the military ranks. Question: Did we just have such a mutiny/ palace coup in Washington? I wonder if Divine Intervention thanks to Catholic Rosaries and Prayers helped? What are the implications going forward with America’s relationship with Britain? — Nich Flüe


Welcome to This is your host, Nich Flüe. Recently, I came upon a very interesting and informative news article from regarding what appears to be a mutiny or coup against the globalists in the White House, State Department and the CIA. The upper echelons of the U.S. Military apparently do not have the stomach to embrace Washington, Paris, London and other European Union (EU) nations outrageous and demonic plan to supply and launch intermediate and long-range missiles which are nuclear capable to the Ukraine. Russia, China and their allies have collectively issued a warning that this is the final straw — the “Red Line” which, if crossed will cause severe retaliation against NATO nations within their borders. What is quite disturbing is that spokesmen for these NATO countries have publicly declared that Putin has no backbone and will not retaliate. These spokesmen remain adamant that NATO must provide support to the Ukraine of these deadly missiles — and ignore any warnings from Russia and its allies.

Before getting into the details of the “Mutiny” it is prudent to remind this audience that Catholic End Times Prophecies are very clear about what is about to occur worldwide. What is alarming is that Catholics, like other so-called Christians, generally remain indifferent to say the least regarding the probability of world war. Their indifference or ignorance is biblical in character.

Recall St. Matthew 24: 6-8, 37-39 — And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that ye be not troubled. For these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be pestilences, and famines, and earthquakes in places: Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows And as in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and 240926drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, And they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.

What is clear to one who seeks and learns is that all of this is by design. It is ironic that people generally laugh at the idea of “conspiracy” because such people claim that “no one can keep a secret”. But, that is not what conspiracy means in terms of its origin from ancient Latin. Disregard what dictionaries and translation sites state. The original meaning is “to breathe together” or to think and act together. The-powers-that-be love to distort the term — discrediting it to such an extent that the general population simply ignores and laughs at any body who professes a plan that is a conspiracy. Those with power and mammon openly profess their plans and objectives knowing full well that the public will not believe such an outrageously  devious and criminal plan that could be hatched and communicated publicly. I will cite two examples of this: (1) the Pike-Mazzini Letter of 1871; and (2) Carroll Quigley’s New York Times best-selling book, Tragedy and Hope.

Regarding the Pike-Mazzini letter it was actually displayed in the British Museum until 1977. Today the museum claims the letter never existed. Yet, Cardinal Jose Maria Caro Rodriquez of Chile claimed that such a letter was on display in the British Museum in 1925. Think about this. The Cardinal spoke about this letter that contained references to the planning of three world wars. Has World War I and II occurred just as the letter’s plan was outlined? Is not the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine acting as a catalyst for World War III? Again this all became public starting in 1925. If this letter never existed, why is what it claims were the precise strategies and objectives written in the letter so historically accurate? Hmm.

Next, go read a copy of Carroll Quigley’s book. Listen to these words: “The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan. Nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy. Of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks in the world acting in concert. By secret agreements arrived at infrequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank of International Settlement in Basal, Switzerland. A private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which themselves are private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” Has this not happened?

In the U.S. alone think of the accusations regarding conspiracies in the 20th Century including:

  • How the USS Maine was sunk

  • How the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax were created

  • How/why Congressman Louis T. McFadden was poisoned/ assassinated

  • How/why Huey Long was assassinated

  • How the Central Banks worldwide initiated the Great Depression

  • How the Atlantic Charter of 1941 openly allied the United States with Great Britain against Germany

  • How the U.S. Federal Government broke the Japanese Code yet did not inform Pearl Harbor of an immanent attack; yet all aircraft carriers were put to sea beforehand

  • How/why the Truman Administration conspired with the military to atomic bomb the two Catholic civilian cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • How/why the Truman Administration with the OSS/CIA betrayed Chaing-Kai-skek and supported Mao Tse Tung helping to establish communism in Asia.

  • How/why John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy Jr. were assassinated

  • How did the 9-11 terrorist attack take away American civil rights and put America on a war footing

These are only a few. One could spend hours, days and months studying what the alleged conspiracies entail and “Qui-bono” that is, who benefited from them.

So, here we are in 2024 on the precipice of World War III. Again, there is ample evidence that a conspiracy exists to bring all of mankind into a cataclysmic world war with a vast majority dying and going to Hell for eternity, as per the vision at Fatima. It cannot be emphasized enough that these demonic leaders will even nuke our own city, New York, if necessary as a false flag event, which like 9-11 will rally Americans to endorse entering into a worldwide conflict.

Was There A Palace Coup At The White House

By Alex Krainer Monday, Sept. 21, 2024 on TrendCompass

The events have taken a very strange turn in Washington DC this month. Britain's new cabinet has made it a priority to escalate the West's proxy war against Russia and to bring the U.S. and other allies onboard by hook or by crook. Part of the agenda was enabling the Ukrainians to strike at Russia with western supplied long-range precision missiles. This wouldn't be a new thing exactly, but the escalation they are gunning for is quite substantial, involving possibly even nuclear weapons.

The groundwork for this escalation was being prepared for months. In March this year, the Biden administration approved a new "Nuclear Employment Guidance" in preparation to fight and "win" a three-front nuclear war against Russia, China and North Korea. They followed up with plans to deploy long-range nuclear missiles in Germany and Holland. The preparations were being coordinated between the Neocons in the Biden administration, led by the Secretary of State Antony Blinken, NATO and the members of British cabinets, both under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and under the new PM Keir Starmer.

Starmer’s diplomatic charm offensive

Since its inauguration on July 5, 2024, the new Labour government in Britain immediately engaged in a flurry of diplomatic activity and meetings with many government leaders across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, much of it a charm offensive to “reset” the previously strained or neglected relationships. Within the cabinet’s first ten days, their Defense Minister John Healey visited Ukraine, Foreign Minister Lammy called his Ukrainian and American counterparts on his first day on the job, then on July 6 flew straight to Germany to meet with the German FM Annalena Baerbock, then to Poland the next day to meet with FM Radek Sikorski, and after that, straight to Sweden to meet then FM Tobias Billstrom.

Trump-proofing the “special relationship”

In terms of military power, the UK is pretty much a lightweight with a handicap, so securing the American protection was top priority. Accordingly, the Mutual Defense Agreement (MDA) between the U.S. and Great Britain needed an urgent upgrade. The agreement was last renewed in 2014 and was set to expire on 31 December 2024. The new major upgrade was formulated by the British government in July of this year: It would make the MDA indefinite, turning it into a de-facto treaty. The idea was to Trump-proof the Agreement in case the DNC fails to steal the presidential elections again this November. The treaty also joins the two nations’ nuclear programs.

Indeed, the nuclear saber-rattling does seem to emanate largely from out of London. For example, Malcolm Chalmers, the deputy director of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Britain's oldest and most prestigious think-tank, proposed already in 2022 that the West should resort to nuclear brinkmanship in order to destabilize Russia. It was this same Malcolm Chalmers who was jubilant about the new Mutual Defense Agreement, seeing it as a diplomatic win for the UK: "It is good news for the UK that it doesn't need  to worry about a future US administration using a future renewal [of the MDA] as leverage."

How clever! Now we can stir the pot around the world and if things get ugly, the Americans have to come to our rescue. This is a good position from which to manipulate the U.S. into fighting Britain’s wars of choice.

This episode once more reinforces the impression that the "special relationship" between the US and the UK is a Master-Blaster arrangement (for those old enough to remember Master-Blaster from the movie Mad Max 3). In this arrangement, Blaster is the powerful, muscular giant who is manipulated around by his Master, a vicious old dwarf riding on the giant's back. Once you start to pay attention to this dynamic, you’ll find more and more evidence that the drive and the ideas shaping the west's permanent wars, especially against Russia, originate from London.

Parading the alliance

All the diplomatic activity under the Starmer government also involved much public parading of the “special relationship” with the view of projecting the image of a powerful, rock-solid alliance that remains 100% committed to defending the international “rules-based order” and intimidating any uppity newcomer who would dare to challenge it. On 7 September we saw, for the first time ever, Sir Richard Moore, the head of Britain’s MI6, and William Burns, the CIA chief, appear together and on stage!

Notice the body language is interesting: CIA’s Burns body is turned away, legs crossed and arms folded, looking at Moore over his shoulder. Sir Richard’s open, facing Burns and the audience directly.

For anyone who missed the occasion, the talented Mr. Moore published a tweet about it, linking to the video recording of the event. Two days later, the pair published an OpEd in the Financial Times — waxing eloquent about the threats to the rules based order and how to defend it. Most importantly, they expressed their iron-clad commitment to defending Ukraine for as long as it takes.

On the following day, September 10th, Secretary Antony Blinken came to London to meet with his British counterpart, David Lammy and the day after they both went to visit Kiev together. On the occasion, Blinken and Lammy almost certainly finalized the plan to commit both nations to aiding Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with western-supplied long range precision missiles. Only two days later, the Prime Minister Starmer flew to Washington again to meet with President Biden, ostensibly to “discuss” the events in Ukraine among other things.

Something went wrong in Washington

Now, the Prime Minister wouldn't normally travel and meet with his U.S. counterpart just to "discuss" things. Their meeting would take place only at the point when the agreement could be signed and announced in a joint press conference: a public showing of their unity, shared objectives and determination. In fact, according to British government sources, the decisions had already been made, and Sir Keir brought all the paperwork with him. However, the signing ceremony never took place and neither did the joint press conference. Something went wrong.

The awkward meeting  didn’t produce the ceremonial signing or the joint press conference.

It appears that the U.S. military leadership took Vladimir Putin's warning about this escalation seriously. His words are worth pondering carefully:

“There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about authorizing or banning the Kiev regime from striking across the entire territory. They are already striking with the help of drones and other means. ... The Ukrainian army is not able to strike with modern long-range precision systems of Western manufacture. It cannot do this. It can only do so using intelligence from satellites, which Ukraine does not have. This is data only from EU satellites or from the United States in general, from NATO satellites. … And so this is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike. It is about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved or not. If this decision is made, it will mean nothing other than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation. And this already, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the nature of the conflict. This would mean that NATO, US and the European countries, the United States are at war with Russia. If that is the case, then bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will take appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be posed to us.”

According to some sources, Putin’s warning was reinforced through back-channel communications between the Russian military leadership and their American counterparts who understand that they were being pushed over the edge of total war. In response, it seems that the American military leadership took over the conduct of the US foreign policy, both in terms of military and diplomatic affairs. State Secretary Blinken and his merry band of Neocons appear to have been sidelined. This is why the US-UK agreement to escalate against Russia didn’t get the Blaster’s signature.

The change in leadership could also be felt in the Middle East. General Michael E. Kurilla, the head of U.S. Central Command visited Israel last week (the second time in a week's interval), apparently also to announce a new policy. Allegedly, he informed the Israelis that if they provoke a war against Hezbollah or against Iran, the U.S. will not come to their aid: they're on their own. 

The palace coup at the White House wasn’t officially announced and it almost certainly won't be. We will probably only know of these changes with time, by observing the pattern of events. If the U.S. policy really changes course in a substantive way, this would corroborate that the coup did indeed take place. This may seem inconceivable, but it shouldn’t be. Secretary Blinken has been conducting a truly insane foreign policy, inflicting massive damage to the United States in material, strategic as well as reputational terms. Such conduct would unavoidably provoke disapproval and opposition within the ranks of the American defense and foreign policy establishments.

When Hitler’s general staff mutinied in 1938

The latest escalation, concocted with the British, would put the U.S. in severe jeopardy. The burden of coping with the resulting fallout would fall squarely on the military. At the same time, it remains unclear what, if anything, could be gained from Starmer's and Blinken's reckless adventurism. This is a textbook recipe for provoking a mutiny, and such mutinies do tend to happen at critical junctures throughout history.

For example, when, on 21 April 1938 Hitler ordered General Wilhelm Keitel to draft plans to invade Czechoslovakia, German military brass were deeply alarmed – so much so that a group of top commanders, clustered around Hitler’s Chief of the General Staff, General Ludwig Beck, hatched a three phase strategy to disrupt Hitler’s reckless pursuit: (1) they would try to dissuade Hitler from pursuing his plans; (2) they implored the British to stand firmly by Czechoslovakia and warn Hitler that Britain would oppose him; and (3) if Hitler persisted in his resolve to wage war, they would proceed to assassinate him. The date for this act was set for September 28, 1938.

Of course, General Beck and his General Staff had no idea that it was exactly the British who were maneuvering Germany to war (though not against Czechoslovakia but against the USSR), just as they are maneuvering the U.S. to war today. In fact, the most recent episode hopefully helped dispel the idea that the imperial adventures are all hatched in the U.S. and that the UK is only being dragged along reluctantly, their only fault being their unshakeable, steadfast loyalty.

Incidentally, that’s the same defense Prince Andrew used to explain his continuing friendship with the convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein (the Prince’s only regret was being "too honorable"). The truth is that through channels unseen and unknown, London is often in the driver’s seat when it comes to fomenting dirty tricks and military misadventures in defense of the empire. Again, the more you pay attention to this, the more unmistakeable the relationship becomes.

Whatever the case may be, if there was indeed a mutiny at the Pentagon and a palace coup in the White House, the escalation to World War III might have been averted, and this would be the best news you'll read all day today. Meanwhile, on Thursday, 19 September European Parliament voted in favor of escalating the war, but that move might only serve to accelerate the disintegration of the European Union. The MEPs can vote whatever they like, but as Poland’s Foreign Ministry, Radek Sikorski revealed to the Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus earlier this month, "there is no willingness to enter the war in Western Europe." From Europe, the moves are mostly about grandstanding and virtue signaling.


Nich Flüe Update (23 Sep. 2024): Britain's frenzied drive to kick off World War III continues...

As per the Executive Intelligence Review report this morning: In an article that is probably a psyop all in itself, The Times of London once more confirmed that Britain is driving the escalation to World War III. Apparently, Kiev junta might get a “private dispensation” from the U.S. and U.K. to fire Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia, without a formal announcement. Between the lines, the article gives the impression that "NATO was 'moving as one'," rather than Britain or the U.S. pushing for the escalation. Still, just in case things go wrong, y'all will know whom to blame: "the U.S. was moving closer to giving the green light."

The Times also noted that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and five former Tory defense secretaries are urging that Britain ignore American reluctance and proceed with authorizing Ukraine to use its Storm Shadows. Johnson said: “There is no conceivable case for delay,” while former Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that failure to move now would make Britain “appeasers” of the Kremlin [there's that psyop again].

In addition, when U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken was in Paris on Sept. 20, U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy was there too, along with the foreign ministers from France, Germany and Italy. “The allies worked to thrash out a deal ahead of the UN General Assembly next week, where Sir Keir Starmer is heading for talks with other world leaders, ... Lammy said the talks in Paris on Thursday [Sept. 19] were about ensuring that ‘Ukraine has all it needs, militarily, politically, diplomatically and in terms of aid to get through what will be a tough winter and into 2025.


Nich Flüe: The message is clear — Britain and other NATO countries will attempt to ignore American directives and cause NATO to launch long-range missiles at Russia effectively bringing the U.S. into the war.

Remember 9-11? It was an “inside job”. If Britain, NATO and Israel cannot get America’s cooperation, I can foresee them conspiring a “False Flag” to nuke New York City and blame, for example, Iran. Forewarned is forearmed.

Our Lady of Akita Messages and Other Marian/ Prophetic Messages

"Many men in this world afflict the Lord. I desire souls to console Him to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father. I wish, with my Son, for souls who will repair by their suffering and their poverty for the sinners and ingrates....In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind.... As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, (Nich Flüe: I wonder if it is nuclear ICBMs) the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”

Our Lady of La Salette warned that “Society is on the very eve of the most terrible scourges and greatest events; one must expect to be governed by a rod of iron and to drink the chalice of God’s wrath.”

Sister Elena Aiello warned in 1958: “Russia will march upon all major nations of Europe.”

Multiple Catholic prophets warn that New York City will be nuked. Additionally, Catholic prophets warn that the entire country may be nuked. To paraphrase the Servant of God, Takaski Nagai, who died from radiation poisoning at Nagasaki: Only this “hansai”, the Japanese word for ‘holocaust’ or whole burnt offering, in America will suffice… the chosen victim (New York City and ultimately all of America) is the chosen victim, the lamb without blemish, to be slained as a burnt offering on the altar of sacrifice, atoning for the sins of all nations during World War III.

Catholic prophecies warn that Great Britain, weakened by civil war, economic collapse, civil unrest and a severe medical pandemic— when confronted with nuclear attack by Russia, Great Britain will betray America and negotiate a secret agreement to ally with Russia. Just look at their underhanded activities presently with Washington and NATO. During the next world war the British will even engage in a military battle with America in Egypt.  History has taught DON’T TRUST GREAT BRITAIN!

Additional Recent News About War Preparations

  • US will place midrange-missiles (nuclear capable) launchers in Japan

  • US placed Typhon missiles in the Philipines— including the SM-6 missiles and Tomahawks with a range exceeding 1,600 km (994 miles)

  • US increasing military presence in Arctic to counter Russian expansion.In response to increased Russian military activities near Alaska, the US military has bolstered its presence in the region by deploying a destroyer, stationing an Army unit with long-range missile capabilities, and placing fighter squadrons and other aircraft on high alert. In recent weeks, the US Navy destroyer USS Sterett has been stationed off the Alaskan coastline to counter Russian naval vessels’ maneuvers in the area. The US Army has also deployed troops to a remote island in Alaska to increase military readiness.Additionally, fighter squadrons and other aircraft based in Alaska have been placed on heightened alert in response to repeated intercepts of Russian surveillance planes near US airspace.

  • USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group returning home after 8 month deployment in Mediterranean Sea. Iran, Yemen and other Russian and Chinese “Actors” threaten US Carrier Strike Groups who potentially would support Israel’s war.

  • Israel is expanding its war beyond Gaza invading Southern Lebanon and applying aggressive anti-terrorist attacks against Hezbolllah remotely blowing up wireless devices killing and wounding thousands. Additionally, the US Pentagon announced that troops from the 101st Airborne Division would be deployed to the Middle East as Israel's bombardment of Lebanon expands.

  • China and Russia ramping up joint military drills. China providing massive military expansion in equipment, microelectronics, and other technologies. China is recruiting PLA mercs to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. China endorses and supports Russia position vs. NATO’s placing long-range missiles in Ukraine.

  • Russia will be forced to use tactical nuclear weapons against NATO, says former Putin advisor, Sergei Markov in a recent interview with Times Radio.

  • Russia signs cooperative agreement to assist Irans nuclear program. Iran endorses Russia’s threat to NATO regarding long-range missiles in Ukraine.

  • Anatoly Golitsyn's “Scissors Strategy” published in New Lies For Old of invasion through the south-west United States has come to fruition. Tens of millions of illegals succeeded invading America bringing narcotics, gang violence, cannibalism, etc. — while securing billions in government aid including debit cards, medical, education, housing and transportation with money America doesn’t have. There are numerous media articles on the “Chaos as vast hordes of criminals literally rule the streets in major cities all over America”. The Soviet strategy was and remains: To break down America with civil war.



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