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Prepare for the next suprise attack from the East - A blueprint from times past

By Nich Fluh

Catholic prophecies consistently forewarn mankind that during a time of unprecedented economic and political turmoil worldwide the Russians will suddenly, surprisingly and explosively attack Europe and the US. What is contained below is a blueprint based on the history of the Communist strategies and tactics from the First World War through the Second World War that I contend is a possible, if not probable series of strategic capabilities that could fulfill what the Blessed Virgin Mary said at Fatima and other bona fide apparition sites. I begin with a quote from Mikhail Gorbachev which I contend applies perfectly to the current Vladimir Putin regime.

Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.” -Mikhail Gorbachev, speech to the Soviet Politburo, November 1987

This calls to mind the prophecy from Sister Elena Aiello who lived in Italy, died in 1961 and was a ‘victim soul’ who bore the stigmata as a visible sign of her suffering. During one vision of Jesus Christ on August 22, 1960, He stated, “The world is flooded by a deluge of corruption. The governments of the people have arisen as demons in human flesh and even though they speak of peace they prepare for war with devastating weapons that can annihilate peoples and nations…if people…do not return to God with truly Christian living, another terrible war will come from the East to the West. Russia with her secret armies will battle America, will overrun Europe….” (

Communist Russia has a history of misleading political acts with the “West” to advance its strategic intent. For example, Lenin recognized that the Brest-Litovsk peace pact had been concluded not in the interests of Russia, but in the interests of world revolution, in the interests of establishing communism beyond Russia to other countries. Lenin admitted that he had placed worldwide dictatorship of the proletariat and world revolution “above all national sacrifices.” (Central Committee report on the VIII Congress of the RKP (b) (1919)) He even gave away to Germany, without a fight, a million square kilometers of the most fertile lands and the richest industrial regions of Russia's western territories, and paid out a war indemnity in gold. Why?

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels foretold a world war and lengthy international conflicts which would last 'fifteen, twenty, fifty years'. The prospect did not frighten them. The authors of The Communist Manifesto did not call on the proletariat to prevent war; on the contrary, they saw it as desirable. War was mother to the revolution. The result of a world war, in Engels' words, would be “general exhaustion and the creation of conditions for the final victory of the working class.” (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Works, Ch. 21, p. 351).

Recalling Marx’s and Engel’s prophetic views above, Lenin's calculation in 1918 was exactly the same as Stalin's in 1939. Let Germany fight in the West. Let Germany and the Western allies exhaust themselves one after the other to the greatest extent possible. Communist Russia shall help Germany at any price to exhaust herself to the very limit, and then act with lightning quickness to initiate revolution throughout Europe and beyond.

As a means to this end, it bears noting that there is documented proof that the Russian Communist revolution in 1917 was financed by the Zionist Jews and Masonic Bankers in the United States through Leon Trotsky (a.k.a. Lev Davidovich Bronstein,) while he resided in New York City in 1917 (Sutton, Dr. Anthony C., Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, copyright 2001 [ This was one critical means to the fulfillment of the infamous Pike-Mazzini Letter of August 15, 1871 which declared: The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

Furthermore, the letter continues: “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

If one looks at the history of Soviet foreign relations during the inter-war years and afterwards with China, it appears that the Soviet Union, in concert with ‘Deep State’ collaborators in Great Britain and the United States, architected the communist revolution in China. This was not because the Soviet Union had any affinity with the Chinese. On the contrary, over the centuries past, the two were rivals/ adversaries. But, like the Brest-Litovsk Pact and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, this strategy promoted world revolution and created another strategic adversary against the West, particularly the United States, just as the Soviet Union’s support of Germany in the 20s and 30s as a means to weaken and ultimately collapse and defeat the West. And, it is interesting to note that Catholic prophecies indicate that when the Third World War ensues, aside from any airborne or nuclear-related attacks, Russia and China shall attack North America with their troops through Alaska and Canada. The same strategy is being applied with Russia’s pursuit of alliances in the Middle East, particularly with Iran and Syria.

Anatoliy Golitsyn is a high-ranking KGB defector who fled to the United States to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn generally is considered to be among the most revealing analysts on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack. Having authored the The Perestroika Deception Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which present-day Communists, parading as ‘Nationalists’ are actively pursuing with a fake democratization effort in Russia. According to Golitsyn the initial strategic objective is to achieve a technological convergence and significant business interactions with the West.

After the general population of the United States, its politicians and its military leaders are lulled somewhat viewing Russia as a strategic threat, the longer-range strategic Russian plan is to pursue Lenin’s goal of replacing nation states with collectivist model of regional governments as a stepping stone to global governance. To achieve their final goal, Golitsynstates that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that

“In each of these, the scissors strategy will play its part; probably, as the final stroke, the scissors blades will close. The element of apparent duality in Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination between them will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’ to provide the foundation and driving force of a world communist federation…before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their favor. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet ‘reconciliation.’ The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of “one clenched fist.” The enemies now are gathered from within. At that point the shift in the political and military balance will be plain for all to see."

Regarding the next strategic sequential step leading to The Second World War, according to Leon Trotsky's advice, it was, necessary to pursue a permanent revolution, dealing blow after blow at the weak links in free society and, at the same time, prepare for the Second World War, which would, in his mind, bring final 'liberation'. Before the actual introduction of the New Economic Policy (“NEP”) in December 1920, Lenin claimed that “such a new war is unavoidable…” (A speech to the Moscow Council on the first anniversary of the Comintern, 1920) “We have ended one phase of wars and we must prepare ourselves for the next.” (A speech to the VIII Congress of the Soviets, 1920) For this purpose the NEP was introduced. Peace is a breathing space for war. So said Lenin, later on so said Stalin and of course, so said the main stream media of that day, i.e., Pravda. The communists had put their lands in order to strengthen and consolidate power, develop an exceptionally strong war industry, and to prepare the populace for future wars, battles and 'liberation campaigns'. Seems Vladimir Putin is pursuing a similar course of action.

Speaking of weak links in free society, it is no coincidence that in the U.S., a number of political and social entities were aggressively penetrated and financed by the Communist Internationale, including the American Birth Control League (a.k.a. Planned Parenthood), the ACLU, SPLC, numerous teachers/ educational unions, AFL-CIO, Hollywood Writers and Screen Actor Guilds, and even the Roman Catholic Church’s seminaries as testified by former American Communist leader, Bella V. Dodd, to the House Un-American Activities Committee on November 16, 1953 (Hearing Before The Committee On Un-American Activities House of Representatives, Eighty-Third Congress, First Session, pp.2886-2910, United States Government Printing Office []) to name a few. In Europe, coinciding with the end of the First World War and the institution of punitive reparations on the losers of the war, a socialist revolution broke out in Germany. The German Revolution of 1918-1919 resulted in the creation of the left-leaning Weimar Republic, with hyperinflation and unemployment, which lasted somewhat until Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party seized power in the early 1930s. With 7-percent of the French population as casualties and a swath of cultural and industrial rich land gone, the people of France turned to whatever party would listen. After the cloud of victory celebrations settled in 1920, there was a shift from the moderate right to the radical left, due, in part, to the fact that the moderate right was in power during The Great War and was blamed for the poverty and destruction following the war. The socialist movement in France had been around for decades before the 20s, but had never gained the support it did following the First World War. So many people began to support the socialists, e.g. the FSIO, in the 1920s that a faction by the name of the French Communist Party had enough following to split and form a sleeping giant that would roar into life in the 1930s. Britain suffered from a case of political confusion in the years following the First World War. The British government had a great deal of difficulty in adjusting to post-war politics. The centrist Liberal party basically disappeared, and the political battles of the inter-war years were pitched between the rightist Conservatives and the leftist Labour Party. Workers in many key industries began to strike, demanding higher wages, better working conditions, and shorter hours now that the war was ended. Workers in the mining and railway industries were especially adamant, and troops were called in on a number of occasions.

The opportunistic rise of socialism and communism that accompanied this unrest, supported by left leaning political organizations and financed, partly by the Communist Internationale was directly the result of The Great War and the devastation that it caused. This created a portion of western society based, idealistically, on anti-militarism, anti-conservatism, and pro-nationalization of industry; plus the introduction of socialist agenda to appease the working class. All of the aforementioned changes in economic and social environments can be traced back to the draining effect that The Great War had on every aspect of life in western society, from industry to agriculture and from banking to politics. This became the foundation for social unrest and the establishment of ‘social welfare’ programs to satisfy the proletariat. Social welfare ultimately meant higher taxes and higher national debt. The long term outcome was predictable. All it needs is a Nietzsche type of ‘push over the cliff’ by suddenly tightening credit with the help of Zionist and Masonic bankers. This is exactly what happened in 1929, bringing on The Great Depression. It appears we are on the same path presently, with world debt far exceeding worldwide GDP. Is it a question of when the Zionist and Masonic bankers will collapse economies worldwide through an orchestrated financial collapse severely tightening credit and liquidity?

Meanwhile, the written declaration accompanying the formation of the USSR was a clear and direct declaration of war on the rest of the world. Today, this declaration is still in force. Nobody has revoked it. Between this declaration and that contained in Mein Kampf, there is a difference. Hitler wrote his book later and it represents the view of one individual. Mein Kampf which literally means my struggle. The declaration behind the formation of the USSR and its bastard child, the Russian Federation, is an official document on the principal objective of a vast state, which is to destroy and subjugate all other states in the world.

Recall from the July 13, 1917 message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Lucia Del Santos of Fatima, “If my requests are heard, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. [Ed: The Consecration has not been done] If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, fomenting wars and persecution of the Church. The good will suffer martyrdom; the Holy Father will suffer much; different nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will be converted, and some time of peace will be granted to humanity."

Seems the BVM knew in advance that the USSR wished to destroy and subjugate all other states in the world. However, in the path of the Red legions initially lay Roman Catholic Poland. At the time there was no common frontier between the Soviet Union and Germany to initiate a shock and awe attack on Germany; which is considered necessary and essential to ignite an apocalyptic revolution throughout Europe and beyond. The Soviets first needed to destroy the barrier dividing them from Germany. Yes, that was the free, independent and Catholic Poland, whose armed forces led by Józef Piłsudski with an alliance, for example, with Symon Petlura, of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (Warsaw Treaty) that defeated the Soviet Union’s 20 infantry divisions and five cavalry divisions, led by Leon Trotsky and Mikhail Tukachevsky and Alexander Yegorov. Not only is Poland largely Roman Catholic but many Ukrainians are Uniate Catholics. This is not an insignificant circumstance. Interestingly, the newly established independent state of Lithuanian’s relations with Poland at this time worsened due to unacceptable demands by the Lithuanians; especially the return of the city of Vilnius. Therefore, they did not align with Poland and ultimately loss their independence to the Soviet Union during the Lithuanian – Soviet War of 1918-1919. On the other hand, Poland and Latvian forces conducted joint operations to defeat the Soviet Russians in the Battle of Daugavpils. Meanwhile, under the Treaty of Riga in March 1921, the fledgling Belarussian National Republic was divided into three parts, one portion to Poland, one portion to the Soviet Union and the final portion became the Belarussian Soviet Socialist Republic which was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1922.

Meanwhile, in Europe Stalin needed crises, wars, destruction and hunger and Hitler with his National Socialist Party could achieve all this for Stalin. The more crimes Hitler committed in Europe, the better it would be for Stalin and the more reason he would have one day to send the Red Army into Europe as her liberator. Trotsky understood all this before the Second World War began and before Hitler became Chancellor. “Let them come to power,” said Trotsky in 1932, explaining what Stalin's attitude was to the German Nazis, “let them compromise themselves, and then…” Furthermore, Leon Trotsky said in 1936: “Without Stalin there would have been no Hitler, there would have been no Gestapo!” (Bulletin of the Opposition (BO), Nos. 52-53, October 1936) Another statement he made in November 1938 reveals Trotsky's shrewdness and his knowledge of the point at issue. “Stalin finally untied Hitler's hands, as well as those of his enemies, and thereby pushed Europe towards war.” He said this at a time when Chamberlain was rejoicing that there would be no war, Mussolini was regarding himself as a peacemaker and Hitler still had no intention of issuing a directive to attack Poland, even less France. At the moment when Europe was heaving a sigh of relief in the belief that there would be no war, Trotsky already knew both that war would quickly come and who would be to blame for it.

From 1927 onwards, Stalin made every effort to support the Nazis who were then striving for power, although he did not of course do so publicly. After 1933, Stalin would do everything possible to push the Nazis towards war. When they entered the war, Stalin would order communists living in democratic countries temporarily to become pacifists, to demoralize the armed forces of the Western countries, to open the way for the Nazis and to capitulate to them with demands that the 'imperialist war' should be stopped, while at the same time undermining the war effort of their own countries and governments. Stalin always claimed his country as ‘neutral’, while gobbling up territories to the west. Note how Putin and the Russian Federation have courted Iran, support Syria’s Hassad regime (actively engaged in this country), and appears to act neutral to all the turmoil surrounding North Korea, Venezuela, Somalia, Libya, and the Chinese-Indian border wars.

In 1993, a secret agreement was signed between Russia and Germany for the establishment of a future set of “spheres of influence” similar to the Yalta Agreement. What remains unclear is what type of military cooperation and support would be given by Germany to Russia should a military confrontation ensue. But note that presently, Germany is not fulfilling its financial obligation to NATO. It is interesting to note that Catholic prophecies specifically cite military alliances and collaboration between “Prussian” and Russians during the Third World War. For example, Brother Anthony of Aachen (19th Century) predicted that “Russians made common cause with the Prussians… and marched their armies together.” And the Curé of Ars, St. John Vianney in the 19th Century warned that “The enemy (Prussians) will allow the burning of Paris and they will rejoice at it.…

Stalin's attitude towards those who openly favored war with, for example, the German Nazis, was just as simple and understandable. The Nazis had to be supported: leave it to the Nazis to eliminate the Social Democrats and the pacifists; let the Nazis start another war and destroy every state in Europe, every political party, every parliament, every army and every trade union. In 1927 Stalin already foresaw that the Nazis would come to power and he considered that this would be a positive event. “It is precisely this fact which will lead to an exacerbation of the internal situation in the capitalist countries and to the workers coming out in favor of revolution.” (Stalin, Sochineniya, Vol. 10, p. 49) Regarding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact of August 1939, did Stalin intend to observe the Pact? Let Stalin speak: “The question of conflict must not be considered from the point of view of justice, but from the point of view of the demands of the political factor, from the point of view of the political demands of the Party at any given moment.” (Speech to a session of the executive committee of the Comintern, 22 January 1926) War can turn each and every agreement upside down. (Pravda, 15 September 1927).

So when German Nazism ultimately moved against Europe, particularly Poland, Stalin had already passed the death sentence on Germany. Stalin had been planning to liquidate the Nazis for five years before they took over in Germany. “Smash fascism, overthrow capitalism, establish Soviet power and free the colonies from slavery.” (Stalin, Sochineniya, Vol. n, p. 202) Fascism was the hangman of Europe. Stalin supported the hangman, but even before the hangman had begun his work, Stalin had prepared the same fate for the hangman as awaited the hangman's victims.

Partitioning of Poland, invasion of the Baltic countries, and eastern Romania was to prepare for war directly across the border with Germany. As far as Stalin was concerned, Poland had been partitioned, not in the Chancellery in Berlin, but in the Kremlin in Moscow. In effect, Stalin got the war he wanted, with western nations destroying each other, while Stalin remained neutral, biding his time. Ironically and tragically, when later, Stalin got into serious difficulties, he at once received help from the West.

Therefore, on that fateful morning of September 1st, it was not only the Polish government and the governments of western countries who did not know that a new world war had begun. Hitler himself did not know it. He began the war against Poland in the hope that it would only be a local action, like the seizure of Czechoslovakia had been. This is not just Goebbels' propaganda. Soviet sources say the same thing: “Hitler was convinced,” wrote Air Colonel-General A. S. Yakovlev, who was a personal adviser of Stalin's at the time, “that Britain and France would not go to war over Poland.” (Tsel' Zhizni, IPL, Moscow, 1968, p. 212) That Hitler did not know he was beginning the Second World War; the comrades in the Kremlin knew it all too well. But it is, of course, a long-way to Moscow. Some deputies needed a week, others as much as twelve days to reach the capital. This means that, in order to discuss the war which had begun in Europe, someone gave the signal to the deputies to gather in the Kremlin before the war began. Indeed, it seems quite probable that someone gave this signal even before the Molotov—Ribbentrop Pact was signed.

Although they both had different attitudes towards Stalin, two of his successors, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, interestingly both confirmed that it had been Stalin's intention to exhaust Europe in war, while preserving his own neutrality, and then to 'liberate' it. Stalin's predecessors said the same thing. When he was laying the foundations of his plan in the narrow circle of his comrades in arms, Stalin simply quoted Lenin and emphasized that it was Lenin's idea. But to reiterate what was stated earlier, Lenin had not been original either. He in his turn scooped his ideas from the inexhaustible supply of ideas provided by Marx. There is an interesting letter written by Friedrich Engels on 12 June 1883 to Edouard Bernstein: “All these layabouts of various kinds,” he wrote, “must first of all fight like dogs among themselves, destroy and compromise each other, and in that way they will be preparing the ground for us.”

With the groundwork being laid, Stalin directed his pawns to prepare for an offensive ‘aggressive’ warfare strategy in the west. One of his chief architects was Mikhail Tukhachevsky. In 1923 Tukhachevsky, who had already gained renown for his monstrous brutality in mass exterminations in central Russia, northern Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and Poland, was formulating the theoretical basis for the aim of war. According to Tukhachevsky, the aim of war was “to guarantee for oneself the free use of violence and for this purpose it is necessary in the first instance to wipe out the forces of the enemy. (Revolyutsia i voina, Moscow 1923, Collected Works No. 22, p. 188) “The rout of the enemy armies and their general destruction do not mark the end of war and coercion, but only the creation of conditions for 'the free use of violence'. Every territory occupied by us becomes Soviet territory after its occupation, where the power of the workers and peasants will be established.” (Marshal of the Soviet Union M. Tukhachevsky, Izbrannye Proizvedeniya, Moscow Voenizdat 1964, Vol. I, p. 258) In his work, Questions of Modern Strategy, Tukhachevsky draws attention to the fact that Soviet military staff must give timely instructions to the political administration and other appropriate agencies to prepare revolutionary committees and other local administrative machinery for these or other ‘regions’. (op. cit., p. 196)

In other words, Soviet military staff were to prepare ‘liberation’ operations in great secrecy, but while they were doing this they were also to alert the political commissars and the ‘appropriate agencies’ that they should prepare in good time the communist administrative machinery for the ‘liberated’ regions. The Red Army would bring freedom to its neighbors on its bayonets, along with ready-made organs of local authority. To this process of Sovietizing all seized territories as rapidly as possible by methods of unrestrained coercion and terror, together with the barbaric exploitation of all resources needed to continue aggression, Tukhachevsky gave a ‘scientific’ name: he called it ‘extension of the basis of war’. Tukhachevsky even inserted this term into the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. (Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Moscow 1928, Vol. 12, pp. 276-277).

The first and most brilliant strategist of this civil – military methodology was undoubtedly Vladimir Triandafillov, the father of this operational art. It was in 1926 that, in a book entitled Range of Operations in Modern Armies, he expounded the first approximate formulation of the 'operations in depth' theory. Triandafillov developed his ideas further in a subsequent book entitled Character of Operations in Modern Armies. Even today these books remain the foundation of the Soviet art of war. Triandafillov found people who understood his strategic ideas, which were truly ones of genius, and promoted them to the General Staff. Among these was A. M. Vasilevsky, the future marshal of the Soviet Union and G. K. Zhukov who put Triandafillov's ideas into practice in all his operations, beginning with the successful battles of Khalkhin-Gol against the Japanese in August of 1939.

Triandafillov’s civil-military methods were a modification and enhancement to Tukhachevsky’s ‘extension of the basis of war’ strategy. Triandafillov fully accepted and developed his theory on forcible and rapid Sovietization of ‘liberated’ territories; “The Sovietization of entire states must be dealt with within a short period of two to three weeks. Where larger countries are concerned, Sovietization of very large areas must be managed in three to four weeks…. When organizing revolutionary committees, it will be very difficult to count on local forces. Only a part of the technical apparatus and only the more junior executive officials will be available on the spot. All executive officials and even some of the technical personnel will have to be brought in along with the Army…. The number of such officials needed to carry on Sovietization in recaptured areas will be enormous.” (Kharakter Operatsii Sovremennykh Armii, V. K. Triandafillov, Moscow 1939, pp. 177-8)

Triandafillov drew attention to the fact that it would be mistaken to divert Red Army fighting units to tasks of ‘Sovietization’. It would be no bad thing to have special units for this. The Red Army does battle with the enemy and inflicts defeat upon him, while these special units go to work in the rear establishing power, and a happy life for the workers and peasants. Hitler took the same viewpoint. The Wehrmacht would crush the enemy, while the SS would set up the New Order. Of course, in critical situations — and war consists of these — the Wehrmacht divisions were thrown into the battle to suppress the partisan movement, while the SS divisions were thrown into tank battles on the forward edge of the battle area. That, however, was not what either the Wehrmacht or the SS was built for.

Therefore, the communist punitive machine had two principal mechanisms, the organs and the troops. What is understood here by ‘troops’ is not, of course, Red Army troops, but special formations of the VChK (Vserossiiskaya Chrezvychainaya Komissiya - the All-Russian Special Commission, or Cheka), the OGPU (Ob'edinennoe Gosudarstvennoe Politicheskoe Upravlenie) and the NKVD. While the Red Army fought on external fronts, these special divisions waged war on internal fronts. At the time when the communist dictatorship was being established, the punitive troops played an incomparably more important role than the punitive organs. Equipped with armored cars, armored trains, three-inch cannon and machine guns, they waged a real war against their own people.

In the times of collectivization alone, the punitive troops exterminated millions of people, and handed over more than ten million of them to that other directorate of the NKVD, the GULAG, responsible for prisons and labor camps.

Additionally, the NKVD troops developed in many directions, one of which was the formation of their retreat-blocking service in 1939. The task of retreat-blocking detachments is to bolster the resolve of troops in battle particularly an offensive battle. Having deployed behind the troops, the retreat-blocking detachment encourages the advancing soldiery with bursts of machine-gun fire directed at the backs of their heads, delays the troops if they are retreating, returns the obedient soldiers to the battle and shoots the disobedient ones on the spot.

Another ‘fake’ appearance by Communist Russia in preparation for the Second World War was the appearance of creating a security zone with military deployments to defend its own territory. Regarding defensive fortifications like the Molotov Line: “Your defensive construction works should not be camouflaged; let the enemy see your defensive building, and let them conclude that you are preparing only for defense.” Another case in point is Kirill Meretskov, Chief of General Staff: So how did he make use of his experience in order to reinforce the Soviet security zone which had been set up along the Soviet Union's western frontiers? 1. Meretskov ordered that: The security zone which had previously been constructed along the Soviet Union's western frontiers should be dismantled, the teams of demolition sappers disbanded, the explosive charges removed, the mines rendered harmless, and the defense obstacles razed to the ground. 2. No security zone should be set up in the new lands; 3. The main forces of the Red Army should be moved right up to the frontiers, without a security zone to protect them; 4. The strategic resources of the Red Army should be brought from the heart of the country and concentrated directly on the frontier; 5. A vast works program should begin at once to build a network of roads and airfields in western Byelorussia and in the western Ukraine: single-lane roads were to be made into dual-lane roads, the capacity of the roads was to be increased; and new roads leading directly to the German border were to be built.

It was not, of course, for Hitler's benefit that Kirill Meretskov, Georgy Zhukov and Levrentiy Beria had built roads and railways and stockpiled supplies. It was to let the Soviet ‘liberation’ army loose on Europe, with speed and with nothing in its path, and to keep it supplied in the course of its surprise offensive. On the eve of the war, no one in the Red Army was thinking about defensive obstacles. Everyone had his mind on overcoming such obstacles on enemy territory. That is why, under cover of a TASS announcement of June 13, 1939, some Soviet marshals and leading experts on obstacle clearing made their secret appearance on the western frontier.

Another example concerns airborne assault troops that are intended for attack. The Soviet Union was the first country in the world to create airborne assault troops. Countries concerned only with their defense did not need them. Before the Second World War, there were two exceptions. Hitler was getting ready for aggressive wars, and in 1936 he created his airborne assault troops. By the time that the Second World War began, the parachutists among these troops numbered 4,000. Stalin was the other exception. He established his airborne assault troops in 1930. By the beginning of the Second World War, the Soviet Union had more than one million trained paratroopers – 200 times more than all other countries in the world put together, including Germany.

On May 6, 1941, Stalin became the head of the Soviet government. Stalin raised his command post above the government and above the state. He controlled everything, but officially was responsible for nothing. The apparent purpose of this move was that Stalin had exploited Hitler sufficiently to crush Europe, and was at that point preparing a surprise attack at Germany's back. Stalin intended to head the ‘liberation’ of Europe in person, and as head of the Soviet government. The Communist Party had conditioned the Soviet people and army to believe that the order to launch was sort of a ‘liberation’ of Europe that would be given by Stalin himself. Communist orthodoxy now claims that the Red Army was preparing ‘counterattacks’. Nobody was talking about counter-attacks at the time. The Soviet people knew that the war would begin on Stalin's orders, and not as a result of an attack by some enemy or other.

The irony is that Hitler initiated Operation Barbarossa only weeks; possibly even only days before Stalin would have given the order to invade suddenly Germany and all of Europe. As a result of Stalin’s insistence to attack first, his armies suffered severe casualties and the loss of huge expansive territories because the armies lacked any defensive capabilities. Stalin, therefore, had to rely on the vast Soviet Union’s territorial empire, the debilitating two-front war for Germany and substantial US aid to buy sufficient time to recover and counter-attack effectively beginning with Stalingrad.

Nevertheless, this strategy appears to remains in play today by Vladimir Putin. There is one significant modification. Whereas Stalin invested a huge amount of manpower, equipment and infrastructure on the front lines in preparation of a sudden attack on Germany, Putin and The Russian Federation rely on strategic and tactical nuclear systems that are quite mobile and concealed on the ground and under the sea. With the apparent withdrawal of Soviet armor, artillery and other mechanized military vehicles from the Iron Curtain’s front in the 90s, these valuable resources have been carefully and secretly moved east of the Urals; particularly in the vicinity of Yamatau Mountain and the city of Mezhgorye (formerly the settlements of Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16). On April 16, 1996, the New York Times reported on the mysterious military base being constructed in Russia:

"In a secret project reminiscent of the chilliest days of the Cold War, Russia continues to build a mammoth underground military complex in the Ural Mountains, Western officials and Russian witnesses say…. "Hidden inside Yamantau Mountain in the Beloretsk area of the southern Urals, the project involved the creation of a huge complex, served by a railroad, a highway, and thousands of workers…. The complex, being built inside Yamantau Mountain by tens of thousands of workers, covers an area the size of the Washington area inside the Beltway…. There are reportedly provisions for living inside the man-made caves. There is an underground warehouse for food and clothing, a shelter for the Russian national leadership in case of nulcear war, and rumors that the Yamantau Mountain project was associated with the so-called 'Dead Hand' nuclear retaliatory command and control system for strategic missiles.” The Yamantau Mountain complex is located close to one of Russia's remaining nuclear weapons labs, Chelyabinsk-70, giving rise to speculation it could house either a nuclear warhead storage site, a missile base, a secret nuclear weapons production center, a directed energy laboratory or a buried command post. Whatever it is, Yamantau was designed to survive a nuclear war. And the city of Chelyabinsk is also famously known as “Tank City."

Putin and his supporters will not make the same mistake that Stalin made in 1941. They are awaiting the financial collapse of the West (The US alone has over $20 Trillion in operating deficit and over $120 Trillion in unfunded liabilities) and the associated turmoil initiated by Islamist terrorists and Sharia-prejudicial immigrants throughout the West to initiate further agitation, resistance and revolt including from socialist, communist and atheistic apparatchiks. As the world convulses, Russia with its allies will strike on multiple fronts surprisingly and swiftly.

This brings to mind the words of Sister Elena Aiello, a Marian mystic and seer who wrote that, “Russia will march on all the major nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the dome of St. Peter’s.” Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina endorses this saying, “Seven realms will rise against the bird with two heads [Russia] and the bird with one head [Germany]…” In 1961 Sr. Lucia Dos Santos told Father Fuentes, postulator for the Cause of Beatification for Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima, “Many nations will disappear off the face of the earth. Russia is the scourge chosen by God to punish mankind.”

The Russian Federation continues to pursue a ‘First Strike’ strategy of its forefather, The Soviet Union, as a key component of its principal objective of worldwide revolution to create a vast communistic and atheistic state, which would destroy and subjugate all of mankind in the world.

Forewarned is forearmed.


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