January 30, 2022
Fr. Joshua Caswell, SJC, Pastor and Superior General
St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, Illinois
My wife and I weekly attend your TLM online. On occasions, we have contributed financially to your church. Listening to your priest’s sermon today, we are compelled to no longer attend online, nor contribute financially to your parish. You and your team’s decision to follow the edicts of your corrupt archbishop, Cupich and that anti-pope, Bergoglio, have “crossed the Rubicon”. You know what the Rubicon is so I won’t elaborate on that.
We will seek out a Pius X, Pius V, CRMI, ICK or an Independent (TLM) Chapel to attend, watch online and support financially. Though I suspect you will not read this letter in total, nevertheless, below are the reasons for this decision (and they are many).
My wife and I are devout Roman Catholics. We study Holy Scripture, Tradition and bona-fides Catholic Prophecies. As a budding Catholic Apologist and an “End Times” student, I created a website, www.nichscafeendtimes.com which contains a wealth of Catholic knowledge and teachings on the subject of these present end times. And the material is centuries old. We used to attend the Novus Ordo, only because, like your priest stated in today’s sermon, we believed (and still do) that the Blessed Eucharist in present in the Holy Tabernacle. Yet, we watched over the decades how the Novus Ordo Mass and its rubrics have deteriorated so significantly, that aside from the Consecration, the entire Mass is outrageous, or as Jesus said to the French seer, Marie-Julie Jahenny, “Odious in His sight”. To reinforce this point is what the Archangel Michael said to the three children seers of Fatima, “O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore thee profoundly. I offer thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the Holy Tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrage, sacrilege and indifference by which He is offended….”
In today’s sermon, the priest conveniently, and purposely excluded reference to the papal bull of St. Pius V, i.e., Quo Primum (with your support I presume). Why? God forbid, you ignore this dogma and St. Pius V words, “hereby denied the use of other missals, which are to be discontinued entirely and absolutely; whereas, by this present Constitution, which will be valid henceforth, now, and forever, We order and enjoin that nothing must be added to Our recently published Missal, nothing omitted from it, nor anything whatsoever be changed within it under the penalty of Our displeasure.”
Yes, I realize some minor changes have been made to the missal. That does not necessarily make them right. Especially, those done by Bugnini in the 1940s and 50s. In fact, my wife and I use the 1945 edition of the St. Andrew Roman Missal because we have concerns with the changes made by Bugnini that are included in the 1962 Tridentine Missal. The Novus Ordo Mass is a direct violation of this papal bull. Furthermore, the BVM also informed the Marie-Julie Jahenny of the dangerous new mass that will not be written by the angels and faithful clerics, but by devils in league with bad shepherds. Why did Roncalli take the name John XXIII? Was that name not used by the anti-pope, Baldessari Cossa during the Great Western Schism? Both anti-popes instituted “phony” ecumenical councils. Both councils started in the fourth year of their reigns. Both anti-popes died before the 3rd session (5 year reigns). Makes one wonder that is for sure.
Perhaps you are familiar with one of the main goals of Freemasonry, that is, “Tolle papem, tolle missum.” That is, “Take away the pope, take away the mass.” Isn’t that what Roncalli and Montini did? Why did Our Lady of La Salette say, “Deux papes vermoulus siècle prochain” that is, “Two worm ridden popes of the next century”? Want to guess who she was referring to? And please, don’t tell me we are not obligated to believe in Catholic prophecies. Are we obligated to ignore them when so many of them from Rue de Bac to La Salette to Knock, to Fatima, to Heede, to Garabandal and Akita (and others) all say the exact same thing?
As an “Alter Christus” are you concerned with Cupich or Bergoglio’s reaction to non-compliance? Did Jesus not directly confront the hypocritical Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees? Are you afraid of losing your parish building(s), weekly funds and associated prestige among your flock? Is this what motivates your decisions? And since you are prepared to leave the TLM, what other heretical teachings from demonic spirit of Vatican II are you willing to tolerate or worse, impose on your flock?
Apparently, the priest giving the sermon alluding to the apostles sleeping during the storm at sea mischaracterizes why Christ criticized them. What good is Faith without actions? As Christ stated “If they persecute Me, they will persecute you.” It seems you and your team are afraid of persecution. Well, I got news for you. IT’S COMING! Whether you wish to acknowledge it or not, Scripture, Tradition and Prophecy all indicate that the “shepherds” will be persecuted with the loyal laity. It already has started. You are about to be more severely persecuted; yet you refuse to accept your “Passion”. So go ahead, keep the buildings open and collect whatever the parishioners are willing to offer as remuneration to the archbishop (Cupich) and you for your infidelity to your vocations. You will ultimately have to answer to Jesus Christ in your own individual judgement.
We could go on and on. It does not matter when your mind is apparently made up. We simply are crying out like St. John the Baptist, “For this is he that was spoken of by Isaias the prophet, saying: A voice of one crying in the desert, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths."
What a deluded soul you apparently are. We pray that the following warning from Christ does not apply to those priests who compromise their vocation, "You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?"
My wife and I will pray for you out of love and hope. We suggest you aggressively seek an association with SSPX, SPV, CRMI, ICK or become independent. And prepare for persecution and going underground. Because in your lifetime that is what is coming (and rather soon, we humbly believe).
God help you.
Yours in Christ.
ps: Received a reply from Fr. Caswell merely saying he will pass the letter on to the priest that did the sermon.
BRAVO 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m so honored to be in the company of such faithful Catholics. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops!!! There has to be a way for you to get this out to more people. I don’t know how, but I’m sure you do. I will include you, your wife and all persecuted Priests in my Rosay tonight. Thank you for standing up for those who have no voice. May God Bless you and May Our Lady cover you with Her Mantle +JMJ+ Patty