Over the years, there is some debate on the chronological order and there is some confusion over what is going on in today's “Minor Chastisement” vs. the ultimate “Major Chastisement” which is the Antichrist. I utilized these two terms as originated in Desmond Birch’s terrific book, Trials, Tribulations and Triumph. I heartily recommend his book. He does provide a clear and definitive chronological list of events for both chastisements. So, with the Minor Chastisement, we are in what Venerable Holzhauser calls the “fifth period” going through persecution of the Church through heresies and corruption of the clergy and religious (1846 LaSalette: “cesspools of impurity). With this comes persecution and martyrdom of Catholics (e.g., England, France, Germany, Mexico, USA, Japan, India, Africa, etc.) It includes the return of Islam threatening the West. It includes the many “secret societies” both Masonic Goyim and Talmudic Jew that are attempting to enslave mankind into the Luciferian NWO. Communism and Satanic worship is in full bloom. We will have a worldwide conflagration with severe ecological disasters, severe economic depression, the return of horrible diseases, government downfall, churches destroyed and cleric/ religious martyred and civil unrest and global war. The Great Monarch will miraculously appear and confront the Communists, Russians, Germans, Mohammedans and Chinese. A pope with what remains of loyal bishops will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The war will climax with the Battle of the Birch Tree Country and then the 3 days of darkness. Over ¾ of mankind will perish. But the world will finally be at peace. This Great Monarch will be anointed The Holy Roman Emperor by the pope [Pope Peter II?] and will work with the pope to rebuild the Church. The Gentiles all around the world will convert to the one, true Faith, the Catholic Faith. Pope Peter II, anointed personally by Ss. Peter and Paul who come to Earth will call for the final and conclusive council that will complete the Church’s understanding of Revelation and the Faith. We shall have One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church! Then as La Salette and other apparitions/ prophecies indicate, there is the “Fullness of the Gentiles”. The Jews are returning to Israel. Now comes the end of the “period of peace” promised mankind from Our Lady of Fatima. Per La Salette, too much prosperity and the Gentiles begin to question the Faith. Heresies and apostasies ensue. As the Jews aliyah to Israel they become restless believing the “messiah” is about to arrive. They successfully pursue the completion of the construction of the 3rd Temple which may have been permitted and supported by the last Holy Roman Emperor. Then Pope Peter II passes away. The False Prophet arrives and helps accelerate the apostasy from the Church. The Great Monarch/ Holy Roman Emperor or his successor comes to Jerusalem, goes to Mt. Olives lays down his sceptre and crown and dies. At this point the Antichrist arrives in a public fashion and pursues his 3.5 years of demonic leadership of the world (“Major Chastisement”). Enoch and Elijah will return to Earth. Enoch to preach and discipline the Gentiles. Elijah to preach and discipline the Jews. Ultimately, they will be killed by the Antichrist and lay in the streets of Jerusalem for over 3 days. They will be resurrected and brought to Heaven. This is a cursory chronology of events. There is much more. I hope this is sufficient and helps. Yours in Christ. --Nich
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