Regardless of being a fan of Dinesh D’Souza, I am somewhat indifferent about the alleged criminal voter fraud and ballot stuffing in the 2020 Presidential Election. Two reasons for this: (1) Voter fraud is a tradition in this country. Go study the Kennedy election and the decisive voter fraud in Chicago; and (2) apparently, and there is much in Scripture, Tradition and Catholic Prophecies over the centuries to indicate that God is quite displeased with our nation.
Being Roman Catholic, I encourage you to read the 1899 Encyclical, Testem Benevolentiae, on the dangers of Americanism. This nation is toast. Look at the nonsense over Roe v. Wade. I do not see Pro-Life Catholics in buses going to Judge Roberts or Judge Kavanaugh’s homes to support them and counter the protests of the evil pro-abortionists. What, afraid of being arrested? Afraid of January 6th type of treatment? What was Jesus’ words to his apostles, “If they persecute me, they will persecute you”?
What a sorry state we are in. WWIII is approaching with a major accompanying worldwide chastisement because God is fed up. I can only conclude that we do not have our eyes on the ball.
So what happens next?
Watch and weep. Prayer and supplications to the Almighty are in order. And be prepared to suffer persecution because it is as if we lived in the days of Nero in Rome.
See video links below:
First is on the persecution of Catholics:
Second is what is about to befall America: